Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Too Windy and Cold Outside

Summer, regrettably hibernating for the next nine months, has passed its crown to the necrosis of Fall. Autumn winds rush into the vacuum Summer left behind. The coup of the cunning Fall has succeeded.

And that is why we detest the surreptitious Fall. That sunlight through our bedroom window tempts us to leave our coats behind, and with Summer's warmth still radiating from within, we forge into the bright winds unprepared.

The wind's eager fingers unbutton our shirts and coil around the torso like ribbons made of ice. In the unfamiliar cold, we walk backwards saving our eyes from brittle leaf shards.

Fall is the fox, the trickster of the seasons. Evil compared to its charming Summer predecessor; invisible compared to Winter's opaque rain. The danger of Fall lies in beauteous colors and frozen whispers.

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