Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break!

I really enjoy being a teacher: I get to tell little kids what to do and what to think. And best of all, I get paid for it.

But even with teaching catering to my wonderfully bloated sense of superciliousness, Spring Break is a fabulous perk. What other job gets a scheduled week off right when the flowers are waking from their hibernation? when the sunshine and the air smell crisp? when Persephone herself walks the surface world again and kisses us on our winter-cracked cheeks?

Sixth period was the school-wide Spring Party. My students and I sat in my classroom licking Safeway frosting off Safeway cupcakes. Chip Ahoy cookies crumbled to the floor. And we laughed together like a middle-school clique.

My students assaulted me with "What are your Spring Break plans?" today. Amid the Tahoe, Disneyland, and Vegas anticipation, none of my eager students could believe that I was going to sit at home and relax.

It's going to be a good week. Me so happy.

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