Saturday, July 11, 2009


The light rail train was packed, and, despite several open seats in front of her, this mother left her stroller in the middle of the aisle blocking any possibility of moving toward the front of the car. Now, I understand being a mother is difficult, and I would have no qualms with a nose tackle of a stroller if the baby was crying or in some way requiring her mother's attention. But this sugar-plum-dreaming baby quietly rested in the middle of traffic while her mother calmly read the paper.

I had to stand for the duration of my train ride.


While watching some of the festivities at the San Jose Obon, my friend took this picture of two girls encroaching on her space. "[These] girls would lean back and rest on my legs like I was the back support of a recliner." My friend was not upset but, rather, confused as to how people could be so unaware of their bodies.

Personally I would be upset. In hot South Bay weather, sticky-backed girls leaning on me would be very off-putting. I understand this was a crowded summer festival, but people should still be aware that putting full-body weight on someone is inconsiderate. And if truly nothing could be done, they should at least apologize for pickling someone's kneecap in their armpit.

On the train ride home, I overheard about 80% of this couple's conversation. The VTA light rail is like a giant sound amplification chamber on tracks. Now, I understand the ambient noise on the train is somewhat loud, so louder speaking voices may be in order. I overheard sentences like, "He brought a knife to a gun fight? What the fuck was he thinking?" I found the act inconsiderate and topics confusing.

But maybe I'm just out of touch with motherhood, bleacher etiquette, and gang violence. Maybe I'm being too closed minded. To gain some insights, I'm off to listen to "Beat It" and read What to Expect When You're Expecting while sitting on a metal bench. I'll report back.

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