Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Public Versus Private School

Being in both the public and private school settings, I've learned one unwavering fact: kids of all ages make me laugh.

Things I heard while teaching at a private school:

You know what movie scared me recently? I am Legend. That was the first scary movie I've seen since Titanic.
—Jason, 9th grade, on whether or not movies have the capacity to evoke emotions in their viewers.

Who's Brad Pitt?
—Jenny, 7th grade, during a lecture about how famous politicians and icons can use their celebrity for the betterment of society.

Like, maybe if my savings account ran out of money, so I couldn't buy DS games.
—Kisha, 8th grade, extemporaneously responding to my request, "Think about a time when you would feel or have felt totally lost and hopeless like the characters in the novel."

Things I heard while student teaching at a public school:

Fuck man, what's the matter with you? Nacho Doritos smell hella good.
—Julio, 11th grade, rebutting the contention that Nacho Doritos make your breath smell bad.

Can we please stop talking about whether or not Irvin is going to steal a car?
—Ms. Morgan, Freshman English teacher, after asking her students to describe current social problems.

Maybe, like, the Tooth Fairy? You know? It's, like, a lot of gifts.
—Jeremy, 9th grade, responding to the To Kill a Mockingbird question of "Who do you think is leaving gifts for Scout and Jem in the tree trunk?"

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha.... I like all of these. That's funny. I like the Tooth Fairy Theory for To Kill a Mockingbird the most though.
