Monday, April 20, 2009

An Elegant Dinner at Red Robin

I was having a charming Banzai Burger at Red Robin last Friday night, and I noticed this party of five youths obviously dressed for some sort of Prom or Junior Formal. You can't tell from the picture, but the two girls were wearing corsages, which are simply too fancy and out-of-place for a simple “Friday Date Night.” Based on my limited high school experience, Corsages = Formal Dance.

Considering my Prom Dinner was about $50 a plate, a dinner at Red Robin seemed somewhat cheap and cheesy. BBQ sauce and 3-piece suits don't seem to match aesthetically. Weren't there other more-fancy places? At first, I judged these children at choosing such an informal locale for their special evening, but as the night wore on, I was forced to change my mind.

In contrast to the usual Red Robin rabble like the morbidly obese father and his five-year-old son with a mohawk, these five surprisingly chic youths captured my attention. I simply could not look away. There was a certain confidence and pride palpable in the immediate area surrounding them—and I was lucky to fall within that aura. They didn't need a dimly lit, overly expensive dinner to have a good time. They defined "elegance" and "prom dinner" on their own terms.

Looking closely at the picture, reader, you'll notice five youths. The gentleman on the end of the table was without a date. I thought his lady friend might be arriving late, but after 20 minutes and placing their order, I realized he was attending the function stag. My initial emotion was pity. I felt bad for this fellow who could not obtain a date for the evening. His two friends and their dates were nestled closely together while this one fellow sat solo at the head of the table, conspicuously blocking the aisles. But this single man was did not deserve my pity. He confidently told jokes and laughed with his friends as if nothing was wrong. He did not wallow in self-pity. He had just as grand a time as the couples.

There was something charming and nostalgic about seeing a prom party in my usual Friday-night hangout. I usually don't see prom parties in restaurants; I don't frequent restaurants that are classy enough for such a coincidence. Sure, the venue might have been a little unorthodox for a Prom dinner, but you'd never know that based on the way the girls stared dreamily into their dates' eyes. You'd never know that the way the boys chivalrously held the girls' coats. You'd never know that we were at a $7-a-dinner restaurant based on the way they were celebrating.

It was hard to turn away from that kind of priceless happiness.

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