Saturday, March 27, 2010

Leave the Bums Alone!

Why does the supermarket have to be so mean to the transients? Legal action against the hobos? This is essentially Safeway stealing the bums' identities; most of the time I wouldn't know they were homeless except for the shopping carts lined with garbage bags and packed with cans.

I'm not sure if this is a real theory, but for me, the shopping cart demarcates between the truly homeless and the average panhandler.

The multi-million dollar grocery conglomerates can't spare a shopping cart every now and then? The grocery stores donate the old bread and fruit to shelters, why not dish out a few carts as well?

I assume B&P Code 22435 can be used against hooligan teenagers from running amok. But if so, the letter of the law needs to add a Hobo-Exemption.

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