Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I bought one of those "paint the white plaster figurines" at the store today. I'm not quite sure why. The picture on the box had a flesh-toned man in a brown cowboy hat playing a guitar. He was wearing a red shirt and blue plants. He was very cute. I thought it looked like a lot of fun for just $1. And I thought, how hard could this be? Just slap all the colors in the right spots, and he'll look great.

As I was waiting for my dinner to cook, I realized there was a big problem. The kit, which included a brush, and the white figurine, only came with red, blue, yellow, and white paint. How the hell was I supposed to recreate the example coloring on the box with just those colors? There were no instructions.

I've never been a painter. I've never mixed colors in their correct proportions. I mean really, outside of elementary school, where anything goes and the pictures are expected to look insane, when do you really mix paints? I've gotten through my entire life without knowing what primary colors mix to make other colors. That is, until today.

So while I waited for my rice to cook, I sucked it up and started painting my musical cowboy. With the help of WikiAnswers on how to make different shades of brown from my four colors, I brought my plaster figurine to life in just under an hour.

And I know this kit says "Kids 8+," but I still felt very gratified to use a new artistic medium somewhat successfully. The alchemy of getting the perfect hue. The patience of applying the paint in small quantities. The gentle blowing to dry the paint. I know it's silly, but it was rewarding and fun to try something new.

Maybe happiness isn't as elusive as I often make it out to be. Maybe it's as simple as mixing brown paint and applying it to a plaster cowboy hat.

I named him Paco. I don't know why. And, honestly, I don't want to know why. The name just made me smile, and that's enough for today.

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